Do want to camp in the middle of a racetrack, look at hundreds of classic cars, and listen to rockabilly music? If so, this is the event for you!
We have been trying to get to the Rock & Rumble for years, but it was always the same week as the Denver Modernism show where we show off the great Dale with a bunch of other trailers with our Friendly Average Campers group. We finally bought tickets a couple of years ago, then COVID happened. Then we bought tickets for last year, which was just in time for another COVID surge. But we finally made it this year.
We went around the track a couple of times before setting up camp:
We were told that anyone can race on the drag strip, so this is our goal for the weekend. We tried to get on the track on Friday, but something was broken. So we gave up and setup camp literally in the middle of the race track right beside the drag race strip…dreams crushed.

There was another brand of housecar parked along with all of the other vintage cars that Lina wanted to race…for pinks, which scared the owner off. However, he did suggest that the two of us could make a coupe of runs around the track together, and that motivated us to break camp and try to race again.
He never showed up, but we did get a couple of races in. We ran both 1/8 mile races in just under 12 seconds and got up to around 65mph by the end of the track.
Here’s the photo as we head out to race:

Here are the Videos from Race #1, that we lost:
We took a couple of laps around the track and it turns out that a couple of Mitchel truck campers followed our lead and raced each other. We got back in line and hoped that they would too so that we could race one them and they agreed. This race we won!